In a bid to support the Government in the implementation of its policy to equitably develop all the Regions of the country, a fully developed industrial zone was constructed in Bamenda at Nkwen, of which the final acceptance of works took place on 13 November 2014, for a total investment cost of more than CFA francs two billion.

This zone that stretches on a total surface area of about 45ha was entirely subdivided and endowed with following facilities:

  • an asphalt concrete road of 2X1, of a total length of 1.2km linking the zone to the National Road No. 11;
  • an entirely constructed road network of 2.7km, made up of one main road and 04 secondary roads;
  • a high and low voltage power line connected to the Bamenda thermal station;
  • an autonomous potable water supply point equipped with an 80m3 capacity tank.

While one would have expected, given the quality of the facilities provided, that this zone would have reached its filling capacity by now, we are rather surprised of the lack of interest from economic operators who are not jostling at the doors of the MAGZI Branch in Bamenda nearly 8 years after the creation of the said industrial zone which had however been welcomed with great enthusiasm by the population of this region.

The security situation in the North West alone cannot explain such a disaffection. As such, the Director General of  MAGZI urges all potential investors, both national and foreign, especially those from this dynamic region, to seize the opportunity offered to them by the President of the Republic, His Excellency PAUL BIYA, by creating the Bamenda-Nkwen industrial zone, and to invest massively in order to contribute to the return of peace in their region by improving the well-being of the population through the establishment of industrial production units, which will create wealth, income and employment.


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