Pursuing the objective of reviving the industrial sector of the country, MAGZI is playing a major role through the creation of industrial zones to enable the private sector to put forth its potentials.
Indeed, following the implementation of the National Development Strategy 2020-2030 (SND30), the industrial sector plays a key role. According to national statistics, this sector provides a valuable contribution of 13% to national GDP. Following the implementation of the Industrialisation Master Plan (IMP), whose objective is to make Cameroon the factory of the new industrial Africa by 2050, Cameroon may increase its contribution to GDP to at least 24% by 2035.
The goal is to speed-up the reconstruction of the industrial landscape through the concrete realisation of the three industrial sanctuaries highlighted in the IMP; namely agro-industry, energy and digital industry. These are niches that, if focused on, will lead to a two-figure economic growth of the country. It will help regain market shares, retain industrial champions and create new job-generating activities and added value. Besides, particular emphasis should be laid on development of the following five industrial pillars: forest/ wood, textile/dressmakers/leather/, mines/metallurgy/steel. In this perspective, MAGZI (Industrial Zones Development and Management Authority) has great role to play. As State body responsible for promoting the industrialisation of the country (the Public Limited Company since 24 April 2019), MAGZI was bestowed the mission to develop and manage industrial zones. In order to improve productivity and competitiveness of industrial zones, support income-generating projects and fully contribute to the implementation of the structural transformation policy of the economy of Cameroon, MAGZI, with the support of the Ministry of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development (MINEPAT) intends to carry out a study in view of developing a National Programme for the Development of Industrial Zones in Cameroon.
This study will help set-up an operational programme for the rehabilitation and extension of existing industrial zones, the commissioning and development of created zones and those not yet operational, the assessment of industrial zones needs in order to support the industrial sector and eventually the nation-wide geographical locations of future zones.
The implementation of this programme will bring lasting solution to the problem of industrial land by providing fully equipped lands to both national and foreign investors. It is worth noting that the activities of these investors will bring considerable economic growth to the country.
Ultimately, the industrial zone is the place where almost all industrial projects are made concrete. As such, it would be unrealistic to design a development policy without taking into account the aspect of industrial land. It is in this respect that it should be rightly stated that MAGZI, whose main mission is to provide lands to investors, is a major proponent of industrial development, thus the emergence of Cameroon. Pursuing the objective of reviving the industrial sector of the country, MAGZI is playing a major role through the creation of industrial zones to enable the private sector to put forth its potentials.
Christol Georges MANON
General Manager