International Labour Day: a step towards social dialogue at MAGZI Ltd

Magzi has joined the international community on this 1st May 2024 in celebrating the 138th edition of the International Labour Day under the theme:  “Constructive social dialogue, a vector for decent work and social progress”.

Both in the Head Office and in the sub branches, this year’s celebration was marked by the traditional parade. In Yaoundé, the parade was presided over by the Minister of Labour and Social Security, Grégoire Owona. For the occasion, Thousands of workers, proudly wearing their uniforms, took the streets to the accompaniment of brass bands from the gendarmerie, the police and students from National Institute of Youth and Sports (INJS), to the rapturous applause of the public and many authorities who had come to join in this patriotic duty for the good of the workers.

This grand parade, in Yaoundé, as in other Cameroonian cities, was actually the apotheosis of a long series of activities under the theme: “Constructive social dialogue as vectors of decent work and social progress”. The Minister of Labour and Social Security, Grégoire Owona, emphasised that , through this theme, the government is indicating that it is through social dialogue that we must, in ordinary times or in times of crisis, seek consensual solutions to the problems encountered in the workplace. The aim is “to achieve a decent work, a guarantee of social progress for all”, explained the Minister.


MAGZI is not to be done when it comes to social dialogue between top management and employees. The Head Office has always organized meeting sessions with the services, with the aim of getting to grips with the social climate and hear their complaints. In terms of social security and occupational health, it should be noted that Magzi has renewed the contract with occupational and health insurance doctors. All employees are systematically covered in the event of illness. It should also be noted that this insurance is extended to include members very close to the insured, in particular the spouse and legitimate children. As far as social security is concerned, all NSIF contributions are regularly paid on the benefit of employees. The well-being of employees is the first concern of the General management.

Particular attention was paid to staff due to retire. These were: Mr NGUIAMBA Théodule, former Director of Legal Affairs, Mrs NGO SOUGHE Augustine, former Director of Sales, Marketing and Statistical Studies and Mr FEUDJIO Pierre, former No 1 Technical Advisor. They respectively received gifts kind from Magzi: agricultural equipment, a complete computer pack and domestic equipment.

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